* Track of the little sparkles *

Daily log of childcare, cooking, gardening, sewing, and so on.


I cooked this dinner yesterday. I used a lot of our garden's basil for this stir-fried pork with eggplants & bell peppers, and my daughters ate them very well! I wondered if they could eat this plate because when they smelled the basil leaves, they said "Ohhh,, STINKY!!!🤪". https://t.co/TaVobxzJIv

11 August 2022 06:37

They really love the word "stinky"!!!😂

11 August 2022 06:38

ところでイギリスに行く前に受けたTOEICより、帰った直後に受けたTOEICのほうが40点低かったです。わーお!! ビジネス英語と単語と文法をやり直さねば。(子供と一緒に poo! wee! sinky! silly! というのは得意)

11 August 2022 06:40