Our second daughter ate rice with her hands... She still often throws the dishes (but almost empty) and spits out her disliked foods. Our elder daughter had hated to be dirty, so she never did such things at the age of three. It's very different for each daughter. That is fun. https://t.co/um52AdWcTM
10 August 2022 05:24
(Of course, I scolded her so much afterward.)
10 August 2022 05:25
子どもたちがどんな遊び・学びをしたか、毎日記録できるアプリないかなー?スタディプラスはなかなかいいんだけど、子供が二人いると厳しい。 どんなアクティビティを、どれくらいの時間やったかが大まかにつけて、後でグラフとかで見れると最高なんだけど。 なにかおすすめありますか?
10 August 2022 12:54