* Track of the little sparkles *

Daily log of childcare, cooking, gardening, sewing, and so on.

Entries from 2024-04-01 to 1 month


The first half of the GW holidays, we went on the BBQ with our family friends. Luckily, there was a "s'more cookie" making event! Our children tried to bake the marshmallows and insert them and chocolate between the cookies😋


I made these chest pads for my breastfeeding. The front sides are made of new small cloth that I bought, and the back sides are made of old baby clothes that my daughters had worn and tattered. I'm happy to reuse them again Of course, the …


This year, we collected the wildflowers and made the pressed flower again (with my children). It was the first time for my second daughter and she is so a wild girl, that she sometimes caught bugs rather than flowers Each of us made our ow…


I found this coconut at the supermarket! Of course, I bought one and tried it with my family. It was... so... wild taste, not so sweet. But my daughters were having a keen interest in the experience✨ And said "It's the best juice, EVER...!…


I made another 2 "moving pockets" for my younger daughter because she was envious of my elder daughter... I don't know when she will use these, but she wants them. That's all. Anyway, if she uses them carefully, she can use them when she b…


Even on a rainy day, my 4yo daughter is very busy picking up the dropping flowers every day. Maybe they seem to her as a beautiful - lucky - special treasure🤭 In the same walk, she catches roly-polies and slugs by bare hand...😇


I made this "moving pocket" for my elder daughter. She likes to wear dresses on the leggings, but they don't have the pockets. So, she asked me to prepare them. Since I have a lot of cloth and it was easy to make, I was glad to make them! …


These are the wildflowers that my daughters picked up while walking. My husband bought me a small vase for wildflowers, because he knows that I like wild small flowers🥰 And, the small tree is our acorn! There are 5~6 seeds sprouting.


At the forest, we turned over the large log and found maaaaaaaaaaaany roly-polies. My daughters, especially the younger one, are good at picking them with their hands, so they caught maaaaaaaaaaaany roly-polies to their bug case... It was.…


We went on the bug hunting to the nearest small forest last weekend. Look, they were super motivated😁. We couldn't catch the butterflies that my daughters targeted, but found many flowers and ground bugs.


Our neighborhood gave my children this flower They are sooooo beautiful! Especially, my younger daughter likes this kind of flowers, and every day when I pick up her from the nursery, she enjoys hunting dropped flowers. She knows the place…


I made this cover for my elder daughter. This is for an emergency head guard, and the head guard itself is made of fire-resistant material, so I just made the cover that enables it to use as a cushion👍 It was super easy👍


My daughter's school flowers🥰 I was happy to see these and also felt happy to imagine the many students see these flowers every day. (Maybe also many students don't care about them😂)


I made the "Niku-maki" which vegetables rolled in a sliced meat, again! This time, I used carrots and mushrooms (Maitake). The next day was my elder daughter's class observation day, and I found that she wrote her one of her favorite home …


I plan to make the stamps with these flowers' seeds again. I did it in 2020 with my elder daughter! I know the flowers have a slight toxin, so we'll have to be careful to handle these flowers. Anyway, usually the flower is orange, so pink …


My second daughter will be 5yo next June. She still loves the dandelion fluffs and whenever she finds one, she picks up and blows (or plucks) them all. That day, she found the special big one😁 She brought it to her nursery and boasted it to…


I did the first laundry for our baby to be delivered. I recalled my first daughter's first laundry. We had felt that the baby clothes were tooooooo small and so cute🥰 This time, I still don't feel that I'll deliver the new baby next month, …


My elder daughter's regular domestic chores is, watering flowers every day. And, this is the tulips that bloomed this spring!!! Hoooooooray!!!!! These days, I wouldn't tell my daughter to water them every day, but she did almost every day🥰


Sorry for my cooking photo again and again! I like hot sandwiches on holiday mornings. This morning, I tried to insert bell peppers & carrots as ingredients🫑🥕 That was super delicious😋


Seabream!!!! Nothing happy events happened to our family, but the fish ("Tai") was super cheap at the supermarket🤭 We couldn't eat one of them, so we made seabream rice ("Tai-meshi") the next morning. That was also awesome!


This spring holidays, my husband made almost all of my elder daughter's packed lunch every day (maybe about 10days). Only omelet I made🤭 Thank you for your hard work. My daughter likes his packed lunch, and eats all every day.


I cooked "Niku-maki", vegetables rolled in a sliced meat plate. Since it's very rare for us to eat this (because it takes a bit longer than other simple meals), my daughters didn't remember this food. And, they came to like it sooooo much✌


My 4yo daughter still likes picking up the leaves and flowers. (sometimes, sticks and stones as well🤭) Since it becomes a beautiful warm spring, the chance she picks up things and stops to walk for that is increasing...😂


At the cherry blossom seeing, we saw their full bloom🌸🌸🌸 It was a very warm day, so we enjoyed some cold drinks🍶 (nonalcohol, though) We enjoyed Sakura rice dumplings, 3 colored dumplings, and popcorns as well!!!!!!


Ohana-mi Bento! Last weekend, we went cherry blossom seeing with our family neighbor friend (and my daughters' English teacher). This time, the packed lunch was special, because there were strawberries!!!! (Other than them, it was a super …