* Track of the little sparkles *

Daily log of childcare, cooking, gardening, sewing, and so on.

Entries from 2024-01-01 to 1 year


My second daughter created this flower ring (?) at her nursery. She is very good at creating patterns, or the same things a lot. She is also good at creating Kapra (wood simple block) patterns, and magnet toy's patterns as well🤭


My eldest daughter participated in Kids Money Academy at Risona Bank, yesterday. They learned about money and watched the internal bank. Finally, they tried to hold the ¥100,000,000 block! (I don't know if it's the real money or not, but I…


We planted the morning glories last weekend. The seeds are that we harvested last summer. I forgot about them... That's why it's relatively late, but we hope they'll grow well🌸 Yesterday, my eldest daughter found that they sprouted🌱


My husband made this packed lunch for our grade 2 elementary school daughter. From this year, the after-school center in our city began to serve lunchpack around ¥400 during the summer vacation. We'll try it from Thursday, so the packed lu…


I made my hair cut with my second daughter last weekend. It was a special time, because no other sisters than the second daughter, so we enjoyed not only the haircut but also walking around. We found many grasses, flowers, and bugs, and ta…


I sewed this dress "Jinbe" for my second daughter 5 years ago. Now, it's my 3rd daughter's turn!! She'll wear this dress many times this summer It's made from Tenugui and sold in ¥100 shop. I also sew infant-size Jinbe as well, but my seco…


I made this seafood pilaf with a child seafood mix. Because my husband has an allergy to shrimp, we usually don't buy or eat them. Yesterday, he had a drink party with his colleagues, so I could make this plate My daughters like seafood an…


I went to the nearest shopping mall with my 1month baby. I dropped into the cafe and ate this shrimp & avocado sandwich. The clues were very helpful to me, and some women talked to me & my baby👶. That was a super relaxing time for me.


My eldest daughter harvested our second cucumber! She said, the shape was "J", but her younger sister said it looks a Japanese letter, "し"🤭 Inside the cucumber, there was a big hole. We wondered if it was a bug hole or just empty.


Summer has come! My daughters, especially my second daughter loves bugs. So, on the road, at the park, everywhere, she is looking for bugs and tries to catch them🙃 I'm ok with butterflies and ladybirds, but not for slugs or spiders...😇


I had an art activity at our home with my 2 daughters, yesterday. We used the disposed shells, which we ate, clam shells, Shijimi shells, and mussel shells. We painted on the shells, pasted papers or cloth on them, and made some necklaces.…


We participated in my second daughter's nursery summer festival. At that festival, we enjoyed some games and shopping. My eldest daughter, who had graduated from this nursery also enjoyed meeting her old nurserymates🤭


My second daughter drew this picture. From left, Daddy, me(second daughter) on daddy, Mommy, her younger sister held by mommy, and her elder daughter. She said "Our family become five people! That's many!!"🤭 Well done!


How flexible babies are!!!!!!!


I participated in the preparation of the summer festival at the nursery. We made 200 water yo-yo balloons. At last, my left hand had a bruise, but I didn't notice at that time, because the event was so fun My trouser was soaked, but dried …


This is our cupboard, where we stock sweets. My eldest daughter hid behind the door and said, "Hee-hee, I can eat all the sweets I want!!!!". How clever you are!!!!!🙃


My 5yo daughter made this pizza at her nursery. They were added to our "kitchen toys" box as a pizza toy🍕 We appreciate to the nursery so much for doing this kind of craft activity.


Our recent small garden. There are mini tomatoes on the branch!! Every day, my 7yo daughter checks the color and tries to figure out the right timing for harvesting. I hope she doesn't forget to water them...


Yesterday, we had this mussel shell plate, which my mother bought and sent us in a freezing pack. My 7yo daughter likes mussels very much. And more, she is learning the "Swimmy" story in school, and there is the expression "as black as a m…


We went to a summer festival at a University, where my husband is working now. My daughters enjoyed the stalls, especially the game & its prizes After we enjoyed the daytime festival, we enjoyed also the fireworks! That was the first time …


Our second 5yo daughter got this new bicycle as her birthday gift! She chose the color, and she was very happy to ride it. She had been already very good at riding without stabilizers, so she enjoyed riding her new bicycle by herself. Happy…


My second daughter showed her work to her little sister. It seems that the baby watched that carefully, so the second daughter was very happy😊 The baby is over 1 month, and maybe can see some near things.


Our garden's first harvest of this summer! We ate this cucumber as a raw salad. It was creamy, juicy, and tasty😋 Our 7yo daughter is responsible for watering & harvesting the vegetables. Good job👍


We found a big bug at the blueberry farm. My eldest daughter ran away from it, but my second daughter wanted to see & catch it. My husband tried to catch it, but it flew away. I can't believe the people who touch it...!!!! It was almost 5~…


Yesterday, we bought the Edamame with the branch. My daughters helped my husband by separating the beanstalk from the branches. Children like this kind of chores☺️ Of course, they like to eat them as well, so the Edamame disappeared at once🤭


At the berry park we visited last weekend, there were also bee hives and they harvest honey! We bought one bottle of honey, and they gave us another small bottle as a gift🍯 My daughters were interested, but also scared of the bees.🐝


We went to the berry garden, where we can pick & eat the blueberries! Of course, our daughters enjoyed them very much, and the blueberries were sooooooo yummy😋 We had also blueberry pie and smoothie using the fresh berries 🫐


Our Yakitori dinner! The chickens were sold with the skewers, so we just need to grill them! That was super easy, but the children liked them so much. I believe that this is one of the greatest menu for parents🤭


My 5yo daughter drew this picture at her nursery. There are her father, mother, and the baby! How precious✨ Of course, we displayed this picture on our home wall😉 I hope that she accepted the new family!


We are still eating the huge watermelon, which our relatives brought. My daughters soooooo love the watermelon, that they eat almost all the red part. My husband asked me, "How do you decide how far down you eat?". I could not answer🤭