* Track of the little sparkles *

Daily log of childcare, cooking, gardening, sewing, and so on.


Good noon! Here's snowing since morning❄️ We can see cherry blossoms are blooming and snowing at the same time. wow! And, snow piled up to our car a little, so my 3y daughter and husband made Olaf⛄️ They used a toy carrot to his nose. It looks just Olaf, for me👍. https://t.co/4hUCzA5KpX

29 March 2020 13:29

たまには日本語で投稿。 今日は何故か長女がディズニー英語をめちゃやる気で、朝からSingAlongの同じ曲を何回も見て歌う練習したり、TokeAlongCardを引っ張り出してきて練習したりしていた。どうした。 あ、雪だ。そういうことか。 #DWE

29 March 2020 13:32