* Track of the little sparkles *

Daily log of childcare, cooking, gardening, sewing, and so on.


My elder daughter & I baked them yesterday for Valentine's day! I suggested she make more easy sweats, but she wanted to bake cupcakes She chose the toppings, and mix everything by herself. And bcz we met one of her friends yesterday, we …


Yesterday, we found twins-egg‍♀️! My daughters initially fought for this twin egg, but later, they changed their minds. They both became not want to eat it. My younger daughter lost the "rock scissors papers" then ate it https://t.co/qZw9P…


My daughter made this kind of "Kirigami"s for her graduation from her nursery. I was amazed at her ability for making Kirigami. She is very excited about making Kirigami for all her classmates, and giving it to them with letters https://t.…


We bought "Ohajiki" for our Mancala game. It's much better than LEGO blocks, and my elder daughter enjoys playing. Also, my 3y daughter was able to play with our help. But she always cries after she loses the "rock, scissors, paper" game b…


My daughters love to pick up acorns, especially those with hats. My younger daughter found these "only hats" acorns... It's very spooky for my elder daughter and me. But she wanted to bring them back home, so we agreed to bring them in fro…


I made this board for my elder daughter. She will be a primary school student next April, and she is not good at "Scheduling" or "Predict" the next actions for now. I hope she will learn how to control her time using this board. https://t.…


I went to the restaurant with 2 of mom-friends late at night yesterday. Since our husbands held the same party, called "papa-party" last month, so it was our turn We talked a lot, drank cocktails, and ate delicious meals without our childr…


I made this "Mancala" board from cardboard yesterday. I didn't know about Mancala, but my elder daughter learned about the game from her nursery and told it me! It's like a simulation of seeding. We used LEGO blocks for seeds. But they wer…


Yesterday was Setsubun day in Japan. At our children's nursery, several daemons come to each room, and kids throw their paper beans. Almost all the children run away or cry. Some fights. Anyway, these are our daughters' crafts for Setsubun…


This was my super easy dinner for the week days. Oyako-don (Chicken & egg rice bowl) with microwaved string bean, and side dishes. My daughters like these kinds of super easy & simple plates. I'm thankful about their tongues... https://t.c…


My elder daughter was given this char register paper toy by her nursery friend. He made it by himself and gave it to my daughters by saying "You and your little sister can play with it!". How kind and cool he is!!!! And how nice a toy it i…


We found these huge mushrooms at the natural park. After we back home, my second daughter put something from her pocket... Yes, it was a big piece of mushroom We didn't know when she picked up the mushroom. I am relieved that I can notice …


My elder daughter liked this big playground park and challenged almost all the equipment. But, at first, she was scared into this net hole, because it seemed too deep. But after playing for a long time, she tried to go into the hole and en…


I visited the pancake shop with my family. My daughters also ate it. We love the taste of this shop's pancake!! My second daughter ate all of the whip cream at first, as usual. And tried to get another whip-cream from her daddy (It has don…


We went to a huge playground which takes about half and one hour from our house. It was so cold day, but my daughters enjoyed the playground so much that they took off their jackets. At last, we visited this big bridge, which had been froz…