* Track of the little sparkles *

Daily log of childcare, cooking, gardening, sewing, and so on.


I like these words😊 This was displayed in front of the bar in the hotel. It helps also tell the question to someone🍸 https://t.co/caAk6C2slT

17 November 2021 14:33

The announcement for vaccination for my 5y daughter has come from NHS. We are wondering whether she should take the COVID vaccine or not. Because she is the youngest of the age in the range of vaccinated people, and she is too smaller than other 5y old children.

17 November 2021 14:38

体重はワクチンの効果とは関係ないと聞いてはいるものの、5歳長女はお友達の1歳児にも負けてる体重なので心配といえば心配。 救急車のつながらなさ、病院へのかかりにくさも体験済みなので、できれば日本に帰ってからにしたいという気持ちが強い。

17 November 2021 14:53