* Track of the little sparkles *

Daily log of childcare, cooking, gardening, sewing, and so on.


She is trying to make wear her diaper to the small dog doll. With saying "pee! diaper!". Accurately,「おちっこ!マメチャン、おむちゅ、ねー😊」 After that, she seemed to be aware that the diaper is too big for him, so changed to "nap" time with saying「ねんね、ねー」😁 https://t.co/wCtZaira0j

19 May 2021 06:55

We'll move to the UK Brighton in later next month. I'm preparing at a rapid pace🏃‍♀️ Anyone lives or lived in Brighton? My husband lived there 10 years ago, but he remembers not that much. My daughter is going to be 5, so she'll enter primary school. It's one of my big concerns.

19 May 2021 07:02

来月UKに引っ越すことになりました。ロンドンと違って情報が少ない!まだ住む家も決まってないですが、日本では年中の長女がイギリスだと9月から小学生にあたるらしく、どこに通うかとかついていけるのかなど心配。 UKやブライトン在住の方いらっしゃいましたら是非繋がりとうございます🙇‍♀️

19 May 2021 07:10


19 May 2021 07:10