* Track of the little sparkles *

Daily log of childcare, cooking, gardening, sewing, and so on.


Too late post, but it's THE Mount Fuji I saw from "Shinkansen" (bullet train) on 2nd Jan 2020. Isn't it beautiful for took from Shinkansen? In fact, we went to Fuji-shi near the mount Fuji, but it was almost sunset time, so we couldn't Mt Fuji clearly. https://t.co/i4ze9XIiz6

10 January 2020 08:30

Yesterday's study ✅ Shadowing (1 content) ✅ Try some application ❌ TOEIC trial test

I'll use "Catch it" appli for word training. I can enjoy this appli like a game! And for shadowing, I'll use "Audipo" application. It can change playing speed and repeat slightly easily.

10 January 2020 08:40

And more, I installed some podcast and news application, and "TED Me" application. All of them seems good, but I have not so enough time to use all of them. So I'll do shadowing and trial test first!

10 January 2020 08:40