* Track of the little sparkles *

Daily log of childcare, cooking, gardening, sewing, and so on.


My elder daughter was making the cookie for Santa! Santa ate the three of them, including the heart shape. Surprisingly, I forgot to mix the sugar... but it was still a little bit salty and sweet😁 I believe it's thanks for using Hotcake mix🤭


Our Christmas dinner! My husband made the mashed potato snow men again, because my elder daughter remembered that and requested⛄️ Of course, my children ate the heads of snow man This year, we bought the party pack, but they are too oily f…


This year, we made the Christmas cake with our children. It was the first time to make the Christmas cake by ourselves, so that was fun!!! My husband chose the strawberry whipped cream, so it turned pink My daughters added the sprinkles on…


Yesterday, My elder daughter has prepared for Santa, as last year. This year, we baked cookies for Santa, and put a big carrot for reindeers. She worried about there are must be eight reindeers with Santa, but I said "Maybe, the other chil…


My husband found a bakery with long line, and bought some of the buns. They were marvelously delicious...😋 It's very welcome for my daughters and me to eat these kind of present bought by my husband😋😋😋


Our small garden & field...! I think we are planting some kind of flowers, radishes here... My husband and elder daughter are in charge, but they forgot where they had planted!!! And more, we can't distinguish which sprout is the "proper" …


At the zoo, we enjoyed the "Kouyou", which leaves turning red or yellow. Every year, I thought the Kouyou season was November, but around Tokyo, it's in December. Anyway, it was lucky for us to meet such a beautiful scene accidentally.


These days, we are trying various recipe of radish. This time, I fried them with chicken. I think the best way for using leaves of them is, microwaving them with salted seaweed(kombu), and eat them with white rice Anyway, they are well-rec…


My sister-in-law send us these Christmas bath bomb!!! We enjoyed them, but we can't use all of them until this Christmas🎄 I'm wonder that we should remain them for next year or not. Anyway, that was super nice gift for Christmas!!


We went to the zoo, and saw the orangutan. He (she?) is usually not so active, but that time, he was eating leaves, in front of the window!!!!! We could see his face very close, and of course, our daughters and me were excited about seeing!


I bought this pudding only for ME!!!!! It was the first time to try that shop, and I didn't realize that it was very famous shop when I bought it, because I was in hurry. It's hard to eat these kinda "secret" sweets without any notice of c…


She is trying to make Christmas gift for her younger sister. Her sister still likes "tags" which attached on many cloths, towels, and blankets. I made small tag toys for my younger daughter many times, so it's time to my elder daughter to …


Finally, I found the good recipe of radish other than salad. With baking, it turns more mild taste, and with cheese, it would be excellent. Of course my daughters love cheese, so they could eat it! Above all, it's super easy to cook!!!!!👍✨


Recently, my elder daughter is addicted into Sudoku. Once I explain how to solve this puzzle, she is attracted by it. We bought one of the Sudoku books at the nearest 100-yen shop, and she is trying it every day. She will ask her granny Su…


Yay! Many radishes! My daughters harvested them everyday. (To be honest, I want them to harvest all at once, because cooking them every day is very tough for me...) Anyway, they are trying to eat radish despite of their sharp taste.


My husband bought these doughnut at Mr. Doughnut. There were selling Pokemon doughnuts, but he didn't buy, because he (and my daughters) is not interested in Pokemon... I wanted to try to eat Pikachu doughnuts...🥺


I cooked this stir-fried sweet potato & pork with soy-source. I love this menu especially in autumn, and my daughters, too🥰 Once I wanted to cook it, we have no sweet-potatoes, so I made with normal potato. Yes, sweet-potato is much better🍠


We went to the big park last weekend. Look! There are sooooooo many acorns!! It's the acorn paradise!!! Of course, my little daughter tried to gather them as many as she could... Anyway, there are many kind of acorns, so I also enjoyed the…


My elder daughter's every day home task is, watering the plants. The radish was enough grown, so she picked up the first harvest! It was a little bit sharp, so I tried to slice it and mixed with tuna and mayonnaise. My daughters ate the sa…


Finally, I managed to prepare our Advent Calendar! Here is not the full days, because some parts are missing, but we can start from now. My daughters were happy to see it, and hoped that inside the bags, there would be many chocolates🍫


Last weekend's our lunch! we bought the pizza at price of ¥650 for each. And added fresh tomatoes and mushrooms. They are very tasty and voluminous, so we were full!


We arranged and decorated the Christmas tree! This time, our daughters decorated 100%🥰 We are looking forward to buy the new ornament for this year, and wondering where to go. If you know the good place to buy one near Yokohama, please tell…


My husband brought this "patissier" kit back to home. We tried to make cream puff!! It was the first time for us all, and of course we all enjoyed making cream puff! (only we have to do is fill the cream inside the buns)


At the zoo, there are many touchable exhibitions returned! My daughters enjoyed to touch them, compare the size, or feel the tactile sense. They were looking forward to touching also the real porcupine hair, which are very hard, and they d…


I made pack-lunch for the zoo, yesterday morning. Usually, I make Onigiri with sprinkling in the marketplace, but that time, I made them from materials. Green ones are made of salted komb and daikon radish leaves, and brown ones are made o…


After we started to watch Disney+ contents, I recommended my daughters "Tinkerbell" stories. They are now addicted in Tink's stories. For this occasion, I already bought Tinkerbell's (Disney fairies) books! Unfortunately, I have only 3 boo…


That is the old photo taken in this summer. At Kawa-sui, an aquarium near Kawasaki station, we saw this Chameleon eating cricket (maybe). That was very lucky for us to get the chance, and it was super fun!!!!!


We went to Atami as well. The hotel has "footbath" in the middle of its building. We can see the carps swimming in the footbath. In the bath, there were many stones for press our foot pressure points. It was fun!!!!


I found it in the supermarket! Super yummmmmmmmmmmmy!!!! Sorry for my family, but it's for only me!😎


We got on a boat, and saw under the sea for a while. There were many fish and seaweed, the children enjoyed it sooooo much. After seeing them, we went to the top of the boat, and saw the seagulls and eagles.